Thursday, December 4, 2008

Navy says goodbye to dungarees

This uniform will be the standard working uniform both afloat and ashore for the Navy. It will replace:
• E-6 and below utilities (dungarees)
• E-7 and above wash khakis
• Tropical working uniforms
• Winter working blues
• Aviation working greens

The new Navy Working Uniform will debut around the fleet Dec. 15, when senior leadership, commanding officers and command master chiefs will be allowed to wear the digital camouflage uniform, which will become required gear for everyone on Dec. 31, 2010.

But don’t expect to see anyone wearing the uniform in an off-base grocery store, which is allowed in the Army and Air Force. Navy officials have instead decided to stick with the restrictions in effect for the existing utility and wash khaki uniforms, which the NWU replaces. Sailors can wear the uniform to and from work, either in an automobile or by public transportation, but they cannot make any stops along the way. The only exception to the rule is for emergencies, although it is not clear what qualifies as an emergency at this point.

Information and photos compiled from various military websites.

Next month, we will show the new year-round E1-E6 dress uniform that will replace the cracker-jack blues and whites.